Financial Literacy by First Alliance Credit Union

The Truth of why Your Financial Goals are Closer Than you Think

Written by Chris Gottschalk | Nov 29, 2022 10:45:00 AM

These days, it can be hard to feel like you’re achieving your goals. Thanks to inflation, you’re probably having to put more money towards day-to-day expenses, while rising interest rates mean you’ll have to pay more for loans than you used to. Add on the looming threat of a recession, and you’re forgiven if you start to wonder when you will be able to achieve your goal. 

Before you give up all hope, though, consider this: you’re probably closer to achieving your goals than you think. Even if you can’t put as much money toward your goals as you’d like, there are several reasons why your goals are within reach.

Start setting goals today! 

You Actually Have Goals

The first sign you’re closer to your goals than you might think is that you actually have financial goals. Believe it or not, over 80% of people don’t have any financial goals at all, and as a result they don’t end up getting what they want. Having a clear goal is an achievement by itself, and when you have one in place, you’ll start figuring out how you want to achieve it.

You Have a Plan

While having goals is nice, you also need to have a plan in place to achieve them. Otherwise, you’re just daydreaming. If you’ve put together a plan about how you’ll achieve your goals, whether it's developing a savings plan or applying for a personal loan, you’ve taken another huge step toward achieving them.

If you happen to have trouble coming up with a plan to achieve your goals, the best thing you can do is make them SMART. In other words, make your goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time-Bound. Once you’ve figured out those aspects of your financial goals, you’ll have a roadmap on how to achieve them.

You’re Actively Thinking About Your Goals

Believe it or not, the more often you think about your financial goals, the more likely you are to achieve them. That’s because when a goal is on your mind, you’re less likely to get distracted from it.

Paying attention to your goals will also lead you to keep track of your progress towards them. This can be difficult if you feel like you’re not making as much progress as you wanted, but the fact that you’re paying attention to your progress proves that you have the incentive to keep working toward your goals, even if you’re not getting there as fast as you want.

You’re Consistently Making Progress

As one old saying goes, “Slow and steady wins the race.” You might be worried that you can’t put as much money towards your financial goals as you once did, but when it comes to achieving goals, consistency is key. If you keep working toward your financial goals, you’ll eventually reach them, even if it takes longer than you were expecting. 

Need help adjusting your financial goals? Contact us! 

Achieve Your Financial Goals With First Alliance Credit Union

If you’re having trouble reaching your financial goals, you might feel discouraged. However, you’re probably closer to achieving your goals than you think. Just having a plan puts you ahead of most people, and if you’re actively following a plan you set up to achieve your goal, the odds of reaching it are in your favor.

You can also get help reaching your financial goals when you become a member of First Alliance Credit Union. You can open a savings account where you can put money you’ve saved toward your goals, or even open a specialized account like a Coverdell savings account. You can also reach out to our partners at Round Table Wealth Management to get a financial planner’s expert advice on how to make even more progress achieving your goals.