Financial Literacy by First Alliance Credit Union

How to Build Generational Wealth With These Proven Steps

Written by Chris Gottschalk | Dec 20, 2022 10:45:00 AM

One of the incredible side effects of wealth is that it doesn’t just make your life better—it can also improve the lives of your children, and potentially even your grandchildren. This is due to the concept of generational wealth, which is the money that gets passed down from one generation to the next. It can take several forms, from money in savings accounts to family homesteads, and it can give future generations of your family an incredible advantage, provided they can manage the generational funds successfully.

4 Steps to Build Generational Wealth 

You don’t have to already be rich in order to create generational wealth. Here are some steps that are important for building wealth in your family for generations.

Invest in Education

When you save up for your child’s college, such as by:

you’re doing them a favor that will benefit them for literally the rest of their lives. You’re not only improving your child’s chances of getting a better job, you’re also saving them from having to pay back thousands of dollars in loans, along with all the interest that loan will generate. That’s money they can invest in property, put away for retirement or just deposit in a savings account for their emergency fund.

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Buy Real Estate

Property is almost always a solid long-term investment. Its value almost always goes up from year to year. Even better, when you’re paying down a mortgage, you’re making an investment in yourself instead of lining your landlord’s pockets.

Granted, buying a home can be expensive, especially if you’ve never owned one before, and the process of getting a mortgage can be daunting. However, the benefits of owning your own home far outweigh the difficulty of buying it. There’s also a lot of resources available for people wanting to buy their first house, including First Alliance Credit Union’s own mortgage lending team.

Start Your Own Business

Small businesses are another great way to build a financial legacy. Of course, businesses take a lot of work to start, as well as maintain, but when you succeed the result is a valuable financial asset your children can either sell or keep going. You can also use your business to teach your children about finances and get them accustomed to earning money. 

Buy Life Insurance

Life insurance is arguably the single most altruistic thing you can do for your children. After all, there’s no way you’ll be able to take advantage of it. However, your children and spouse will be able to use it to pay for your funeral expenses, and it may even help them cope with the loss of income.

Get Help Building Generational Wealth With First Alliance Credit Union

When you build generational wealth, you’re giving your children an almost invaluable gift. Even better, you don’t have to be a millionaire to do it. When you make investments like buying your own home and investing in your children’s college fund, you’re giving your children a financial advantage that will last a lifetime.

If you need help building generational wealth, become a member of First Alliance Credit Union. We offer several resources for you to begin building up generational wealth, from building up your savings to starting your own business. You can also apply for a mortgage to buy a home and even open a Coverdell ESA to help your children cover their college expenses.

Ready to start building wealth? Let's talk.