Financial Literacy by First Alliance Credit Union

The 6 Most Overlooked Moving Expenses

Written by Chris Gottschalk | Feb 18, 2021 11:15:00 AM

One of the reasons moving can be so stressful is how much it costs. While everyone knows about the big expenses like renting a moving van and paying movers, there are also a hundred other smaller expenses ranging from packing supplies to gasoline that can really add up.

If that weren’t enough to consider, there are also some commonly overlooked moving expenses that always seem to get overlooked in the chaos, only to show up and play havoc with your plans, not to mention your moving budget. You'll want to take special care when making your moving checklist to include these items in your in order to make sure your move goes smoothly.

Create your moving budget

Extra Storage Space

If you’re moving from a larger place into a smaller one, you may have to rent a storage unit for a few months. If you don’t want this expense to be a surprise, make sure you’ve considered what from your old home will fit in your new home, and be sure to downsize as much as possible before you start to move.

Moving Crew Tips

While you don’t have to tip your movers, it is done often enough that many people consider it customary. It’s also worth pointing out that movers are usually paid close to minimum wage, so if they’ve done a good job, you should think about rewarding them for their hard work.

The recommended amount for tipping movers is around $20 to $30 per mover per day. If you’re moving long distance, you’ll also need to tip the movers that load up your goods and the movers that unload and deliver your goods.

You’ll also want to remember to factor in the cost of providing refreshments for your movers. While it's not technically a tip, it's still an expense that's beyond the amount you paid when you hired the movers.

Packing Supplies

No matter whether you purchase your own packing supplies or if the moving company charges you for the supplies they use, moving supplies can cost hundreds of dollars that you weren’t expecting.

Make sure to include room in your budget for moving supplies and remember that you can save money by getting free boxes from most grocery stores and big box retailers.

Moving Insurance

While moving companies may offer replacement value insurance that will cover items that get damaged during the move, it only covers between $0.30 to $0.60 per pound per article, instead of what the article might actually be worth. If you want to get an insurance policy that will actually compensate you for the value of your goods, you’ll need to get another insurance policy.

Research the types of moving insurance you can get and determine which policy is the best fit for you, then shop around for the best possible price. If you get your auto insurance or homeowners/renters insurance through an insurance agent, you could do worse than contacting them and seeing if they offer moving insurance as well.

Cost of Relocating Yourself

If you’re making a long-distance move, you’ll have to factor travel expenses into your budget. Consider how you’ll be traveling and what you’ll need to spend on gasoline, hotels, meals and airline tickets.

Once you know how you’ll be traveling, you can start to look for the quickest route, the most economical hotel prices and even the best deal on airplane tickets.

Necessities for Your New Home

As you’re moving, you’ll probably leave some items behind because they’re tattered or broken down. Additionally, some items might be lost or damaged in the move itself.

Once you’re moved in, you’ll have to replace these items, which can range from new cleaning supplies up to a new sofa or refrigerator. Make sure you include a line item for these necessities in your moving budget and try to estimate what you’ll need to spend on them before you start moving.

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Let First Alliance Credit Union Help Make Your Move Worry-Free

Moving can be expensive, and the more overlooked expenses that rear their heads, the more expensive the move can get. Make sure to draw up a moving budget that includes all of these categories, then work to reduce expenses in those categories.

It’s worth pointing out you can get help with your move when you become a member of First Alliance Credit Union today. You can get financially prepared for the move by taking out a personal line of credit to help cover your moving expenses.