Financial Literacy by First Alliance Credit Union

Seven Quick Savings Tips to Help You Start Saving

Written by Lisett Comai-Legrand | Oct 31, 2017 12:09:00 PM

Everyone knows they need to save money, the struggle is what's a good way to start saving? It really comes down to your preferences and lifestyle, but to give you a few ideas we have rounded up seven quick savings tips that will help you start saving money and reach your financial goals. 

Use These Savings Tips to Help you Save Money

1. Open a Separate Savings Account

Open a savings account that is separate from your main savings and have a small portion of each paycheck direct deposited into it. This will help you build an emergency savings fund. Make it separate from your main financial institution, with no ATM/Debit Card, so you would be forced to go into a branch to withdraw money. 

Open a separate savings account at First Alliance Credit Union

2. Get a Library Card

Check out some books on personal finance, either the paper version or the electronic version for your tablet (offered by many libraries).  Just make sure you return them on-time to avoid an overdue book fee. 

3. Get a (Second) Job

There are a lot of help wanted signs out and about. If you are looking for additional income to work on your debt, a few hours on the weekend or at night could help a lot.

4. Pull Your Credit Score and Report

A good way to start saving and better manage your finances is to find out exactly where you stand financially. Download your credit report, you get one free each year from the three main reporting bureaus at

Got questions about your credit score? Ask us! 

5. Plan Ahead

Get in the habit each night of preparing for the next day:  packing lunches, prepping breakfast and dinner. That way you won't be tempted to buy convenience food, because you are rushed. 

6. Unsubscribe

Remove the temptation of impulse buying online by unsubscribing from all retail emails. This can take some time, but ultimately, you will save money by not being bombarded with emails tempting you to buy things you don't need.

7. Opt Out

How many credit card offers do you get in the mail every week? Did you know you can stop getting all of those unsolicited credit card offers by calling (888) 567-8688 or go to This will help remove the temptation of getting another credit card that may not even be the best card for your needs.

Keep More of Your Money with First Alliance Credit Union

These are just a few quick savings tips to help you start saving. Getting into the habit of saving money can be hard, but it is rewarding and less stressful when you know you have your finances under control. It is also a great idea to speak to your financial institution to help you set up a spending plan