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2 min read

3 Tips for Switching Utilities That Everyone Should Know

3 Tips for Switching Utilities That Everyone Should Know

For many people, setting up utilities takes a backseat to the more pressing tasks of moving, like packing or hiring a moving company. However, it’s still an important step. If you neglect it, you’ll either have to cope without having electricity and temperature control for a few days or see if there are any vacancies at the nearest motel while you rush to get your utilities set up.

Fortunately, setting up utilities isn’t that hard. Even better, there are five tips that can potentially make this process the least stressful part of moving.

Figure Out Who Your Providers Are

Garbage man with truckWhen you decide where you’re going to move, one of your first steps should be figuring out who provides the utilities to your new home. While you can always get this information off the Internet, talking with your realtor or landlord might be easier, and they’ll also be able to supply you with some local knowledge about which utility companies are the best. 

While you’re figuring out who your providers are, you should also take a second and make sure you know just what utilities you’ll need. Make sure you have providers lined up for electricity, water, gas, waste collection, and Internet.

Transfer Your New Utilities in Advance

Once you know who your providers are, reach out to them at least three weeks before the movers come and schedule your service to start one day before you move in to your new home. This will give your providers plenty of time not only to set up the utilities in your new home, but also to deal with any problems that might arise.

Once you’ve contacted your new providers, you’ll also want to reach out to your old providers and let them know you’ll be canceling your utilities at your old home. Ideally, you should have a couple days overlap between the date your new providers start your service and your old providers end it. If there’s a delay in moving, this will allow you to stay in your old home instead of having to spend money on a motel room.

Send Out Your New Address

Mail boxFinally, give your new address to your old utility providers so they can send you your final bill. While you can and should let the post office know where to forward your mail, giving your address to your old utility providers directly will make sure that you get your last bill promptly. If you don’t, you run the risk of being late with your last payment, which could potentially result in late fees and hits to your credit score.

Get Ready for Your Move With First Alliance Credit Union

Switching utilities might not seem as pressing as other moving tasks, but it’s still an important step. These tips will help make setting up utilities at your new place easier, and they just might save you some money in the process.

If you’re planning on moving, become a member of First Alliance Credit Union and get access to tools that will make your move much easier. You can save up money in a traditional savings account, open up a personal line of credit to help pay for the expenses and even create your own moving budget to make sure you keep your expenses under control. 

Create your moving budget today

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