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By Chris Gottschalk - 07 November, 2023

5 Holiday Budget Tips to Give you Peace of Mind Through January

The winter holidays are supposed to be a time of relaxation...

By Chris Gottschalk - 02 November, 2023

3 Facts That will Help you Overcome Your Financial Anxiety

When you become an adult, you stop being worried about...

By Chris Gottschalk - 31 October, 2023

3 Steps you Need to Take if Your Bank Fails

When a bank fails, the news always likes to talk about the...

By Chris Gottschalk - 26 October, 2023

How to Budget Your way out of Job Loss

Losing your job can be a surreal experience. In a matter of...

By Chris Gottschalk - 24 October, 2023

How to Protect Yourself Against Unexpected Emergencies

The scary thing about emergencies is that they can and do...

By Chris Gottschalk - 19 October, 2023

5 Questions to ask if There's not Enough Money to go Around

When you get your paycheck, how do you feel? Are you happy...

By First Alliance Credit Union - 17 October, 2023

NE Rochester Branch Closure

Earlier this year, we announced a construction project at...

By Chris Gottschalk - 17 October, 2023

How to Protect Yourself Against 7 of the Most Common Scams

If you’re worried about being scammed, it’s not because...

By Chris Gottschalk - 12 October, 2023

How do Rising Interest Rates Affect my Loans and Investments?

When the Federal Reserve, aka the Fed, announces they’re...

By Chris Gottschalk - 10 October, 2023

How to Budget to get out of Credit Card Debt

Credit card debt is a lot like a horror-movie monster. It...